Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ancestor Stones Blog 3

Well I'm all finished with the book now, and I have to say I did like it. However, it did bother me a little. I didn't like the fact that so much is left unanswered or untold. We are learning about so many different people in such a short amount of time that there are huge gaps in what has happened. That is the one thing that is frustrating about the book, I feel as though there should be so much more to read. I may be contradicting myself in saying that is what is good about the book because I kept waiting to read hoping that in the next chapter something would be clarified or be told a little more in depth but that never really happened.

My favorite part of the novel was the very end when Abie's daughter is playing with the stones. These stones are the ancestor stones that belonged to Mariama's mother Sakie.

"'This is my favourite,' she said, holding up a stone roughly in the shape of a
hexagon, smooth to the touch, but with a pattern of ripples. Then she gathered up all the
stones, bent her head down over her cupped hands.
She remained that way for a long time until I asked: 'what are you doing?'
'Listen,' she beckoned me down.
I lowered my head to join her. 'What is it?'
'Listen to the noise they make,' she replied. 'It sounds like they are talking.'"

I honestly can't really tell you why this part catches my attention, or why I like it so much, but I do!

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