Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Little About Me

My name is Elizabeth Dennis, but everyone calls me Betsey. I grew up in a small town in the northern part of the Lower Peninsula called Charlevoix. For those of you who have no idea where Charlevoix is it is about an hour south of the Mackinac Bridge and an hour north of Traverse City located right on Lake Michigan. Before attending Western Michigan University I attended KVCC where I played basketball for two years and then chose not to continue my athletic career. I am currently in my third semester at Western Michigan University and beginning my fourth year of college. After spending a year and a half majoring in Special Education and Elementary Education I decided teaching that age group was not for me. I have changed my major to Secondary Education: English and a minor in Math, which in turn has put me a year and a half behind. I am hoping everything goes my way and I will be able to graduate in the fall of 2010.

I like to dabble in a little bit of everything as you can probably tell my major and minor are two completely unrelated subjects. However, there is a lot more to me than just school. I'm a huge health nut. Most wonder why I don't look into a health related field but I think I like it as a hobby rather than work. I currently work at a fitness center and am constantly reading and researching about the body, food and exercise. A lot of my time is occupied by sports. I'm either watching a football game or out playing basketball somewhere. I've recently attempted to take up golf and tennis where I have come to find my hand eye coordination may not be as superb as I thought. Along with these things I am very into my religion and my God. I attend KVFC and try to live my life as an example to others and with purpose.

My focus right now is on finishing school in a more timely fashion than how I started it. I plan on earning my degree in Secondary Education and I might come back for graduate school or turn my minor into a major while I continue to look for a job.

1 comment:

Allen Webb said...

Betsey, Nice into post! Welcome to secondary education from elementary.