Thursday, December 11, 2008

Unit On Africa

From taking this class I have found out that many people are uneducated about the harsh realities that are going on Africa. The only way we can stop the misunderstandings and stop being a people so involved in things that only concern us directly is to become an educated people. Although educating someone at the college level is good, why does it have to wait until the college level? Many people say that the most impressionable students are the students in a K-12 classroom because they want so much to be accepted and find out who they are. My Africa unit plan is not only designed to help students learn something about Africa but it is also an attempt to get students to think outside themselves and see a world bigger than the one they know. It is an attempt to get students to hopefully gain a small perspective on the issues they might face and the issues that a child their own age faces everyday in Africa. This unit is not just about Africa, although the students will be educated on events and issues in Africa, but this unit is about me possibly being a naïve upcoming teacher and hoping that even if what I am trying to get across to the students affects only one student, that maybe that one student may affect another person, and that I made a difference.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Virtue Foundation

I found this organization while doing my last blog so I thought I would stick with it. The Virtue Foundation is a "public charitable and nongovernmental organization with special consultive status to the United Nations. The Foundation's mission is to increase awarenes of prevalent global issues, to inspire people to action, and to render humanitarian assistance through healthcare, education, an empowerment initiatives."
They do programs and charities all over the world. A few of their most recent projects and efforts in Africa are The Burundi Healthcare Initiative, and The Child Soldiers Project. As searching through their website I noticed that they rely on a lot of celebrities to help get the word out and campaign for their cause. One video found on youtube is shown below.